8. Goods on Account

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The Goods on Account module allows the separation of the despatch of goods from the generation of invoices, allowing consolidated invoices to be generated, covering deliveries within any period of time for given customers.

Goods on Account is an optional module available for axis diplomat systems. It allows the creation of 'On Account’ invoices, to which items can be booked over a period of time. This effectively introduces an additional stage, between despatching goods and invoicing.


8.1 Why Goods on Account?

Goods on Account will be of interest in a number of situations, including:

  • when a large number of small shipments take place, on a regular basis, and one invoice per shipment would create an unnecessary number of invoices
  • where specific customers demand a single consolidated invoice covering all deliveries within a given period – typically a week or a month
  • there is a requirement to delay invoicing, perhaps for review purposes, but the details of the goods shipped must be updated immediately to ensure stock figures are always up-to-date
  • the ability to produce a consolidated delivery note where several small orders are being shipped to one customer, together, to reduce carriage or delivery charges

Bookings are created by releasing Sales Orders to Goods on Account instead of to invoice. The ability to release sales orders direct to invoice remains, allowing some customers to be provided with one invoice per delivery whilst others receive consolidated invoices.

Releasing the order effectively separates the order despatch and invoice generation functions, allowing invoicing to be delayed whilst still ensuring that stock figures are accurately maintained.


8.2 Creating and Updating Bookings

Sales Orders are released to Goods on Account, in a similar manner to the conventional method of releasing to invoice. This has the effect of immediately downdating stock on hand figures, and completing the appropriate sales order lines, maintaining not only an accurate stock picture but also ensuring that the back order situation accurately reflects the current situation.

Functions are provided to allow values and quantities on Goods on Account bookings to be amended. This means that the Goods on Account module can be of benefit in circumstances where there is a need to release orders promptly (to update order status or to keep stock figures up to date) but the exact invoice details are not known. This can happen, for example, with goods that have a high risk of loss or damage in transit. A function is also provided to allow the operator to return goods into stock previously booked out but returned before being invoiced.


8.3 Creating Invoices

Having accumulated a number of Goods on Account bookings, a simple function will create a batch of invoices, according to certain criteria.

Generally, invoices are created as a consolidation of all bookings over a certain period. The invoice will indicate the items booked on a given day by delivery reference.

When creating invoices, separate invoices can be created for each order, order source, department, product reference and/or our reference. Invoices can be created as frequently or infrequently as required. This gives full flexibility over the way in which Goods on Account is used: at one extreme, for example, it is possible to create one invoice at the end of each month for everything a given customer has had during that month.

Conversely, for example, a separate invoice can be created for every delivery and Goods on Account is simply used to delay the invoicing, perhaps to provide a review or to double-check that all goods have been received by the customer prior to invoicing.

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