Application Support Note
How to Identify Which Modules/Options are present on your axis diplomat 2004 system
Last Reviewed: 04.04.2006
Products affected: axis diplomat 2004, axis diplomat 2004/OP
Running the Release Specification Details Report
Due to the modular nature of axis diplomat, it is sometimes necessary to confirm exactly which modules and options are enabled on your system. From time to time, for example, your axis diplomat support provider may ask for this information. Fortunately, the software is provided with a report that gives you a list of the modules enabled on your system, called the Release Specification Details report.
To run this report, go to the Kernel Functions menu within your axis diplomat package (this might, for example, be Accounting System, Payroll, Hire etc) and select the sub-menu Package Documentation and run the function "Print Release Specification".
This will produce a report similar to this:
Each module, or "feature", is allocated a number and those enabled on your system are listed on this report. For a complete list of modules and their feature number, you can run the function "Print Package Feature Details" on the same sub-menu.
Revision History
Revision |
Date |
Changes |
1.0 |
04.04.06 |
Created |