Recent Software Developments

Listed below are a number of the key enhancements that have been added to axis diplomat and axis payroll.

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Showing 9 enhancements covering:

Kernel (Core) Software

Printing Defaults - Multi-tray, Multi-copy Printing

Available to Software Assurance customers with axis diplomat 2024 or above

Release Date: 20/01/2025

Support for both multi-tray and multi-copy printing is standard but has traditionally been configured by the user during normal operation, with the settings being retained by axis diplomat for later use.

The Maintain Printing Defaults Supervisor Function has now been enhanced to allow these settings to be configured ahead of time.

The axis diplomat Printer Selection dialog allows you to select a specific printer and output tray for each copy of the document. This is designed to help in situations where multiple paper copies of a document are required (for example, a pink copy for the customer, a yellow copy for the driver and a white copy for filing).

Different paper stock can be loaded in different printer trays (or in completely separate printers) and multiple copies of a document automatically produced each time. The number of copies, the chosen printer and the selected output tray is retained as the default for subsequent printing of that type of document. These defaults are stored separately for each workstation.

Where more than one copy is specified, the “Copies” button opens an additional dialogue which allows the user to specify a different printer and/or tray for each copy:

Not only do these developments make it easier to manage default printing behaviour but they also make it easier to configure background printing with multiple copies.

Sales Ledger, CRM & Sales Order Processing

Suppress Sub-Totalled Items from selected documents

Available to Software Assurance customers with axis diplomat 2024 or above

Release Date: 18/12/2024

The Sub-Total functionality in Sales Order Processing now includes the option to suppress sub-totalled lines from selected documents.

This ability is controlled by an overall system parameter on the Documentation (cont.) tab of Maintain Sales Ledger Parameters:

Once set, individual document types can be configured to suppress sub-totalled items. For example, to suppress sub-totalled items from Quotations, set the parameter within Quotations Settings, from the Documentation tab of Maintain SOP Parameters:

Quotation with Sub-Totalled Lines not suppressed

Quotation with Sub-Totalled Lines suppressed

As can be seen from the examples above, this can simplify documentation, focusing on sub-totals when the individual components are of little or no interest to the customer.

For more information:

CRM Call Category Element Sort Options

Available to Software Assurance customers with axis diplomat 2024 or above

Release Date: 12/12/2024

When using Call Categories to analyse CRM calls, the ‘Call Elements’ by default, can now be listed numerically, sorted by the element's code number, or alphabetically, sorted by the element's description.

This parameter can be set separately for each Call Category:

This is particularly useful for Call Categories that have long lists of elements, since it makes it easier for the operator to find the correct option:

Customer Account Charity Number

Available to Software Assurance customers with axis diplomat 2024 or above

Release Date: 22/11/2024

A new field has been added to Customer Accounts to record a Registered Charity Number. The new field can be found on the Account Details tab of Customer Enquiry and there is also a Lookup button to check the charity number against the Charity Commission register of charities.

Stock Ledger, Bill of Materials & MRP

Additional Reference Matching in Import Stock Details from CSV

Available to Software Assurance customers with axis diplomat 2024 or above

Release Date: 10/03/2025

In addition to matching items in the file to existing stock items by Stock Reference, Alternative Reference and Supplier's Reference, the Import Stock Details from CSV function also supports matching by Manufacturer's Reference and any of the Barcodes that can be held against a stock item.

For example, this import will attempt to match column 1, the ProductID, to an existing stock record's Stock Reference. If it does not find one, it will attempt to match column 6 to a stock record's Manufacturer's Reference. If it does not match an item it will then attempt to match the barcode from column 7 of the import file. Only if it then fails to find a match will it create a new stock record.

Import Stock Details from CSV Profiles

Available to Software Assurance customers with axis diplomat 2024 or above

Release Date: 10/03/2025

The function to import stock records from CSV files has been extended to support profiles.

Profiles allow you to save all of the field matching for future use. If, for example, you regularly get an updated product file from a supplier, you can set up the criteria to map that supplier's file to the axis diplomat stock record fields once and save as a profile. That means that you never need to specify all of the selection criteria again unless the supplier changes the format of their file.

Furthermore, the profiles are shared across all users so that, once set up, the profile can be used to import that format file by anyone.

This example shows creating a new profile called "GOLD" that can be used in the future to import updated product files in the same format.

Stock Record Block Amendment

Available to Software Assurance customers with axis diplomat 2024 or above

Release Date: 15/01/2025

The Stock Record Block Amendment function has been modified to include an additional field for "Delivery Item".

The Delivery Item is a checkbox seen on the Pricing and Costing tab of a Stock Record and is used to indicate items used as delivery charges that can be zero VAT-rated for orders consisting entirely of zero VAT-rated items. This option is only available for items classified as either a service or a directly related service and so items classified as goods will not be updated.

Assembly Audit Trail

Available to Software Assurance customers with axis diplomat 2024 or above and the Bill of Materials module

Release Date: 13/12/2024

When an assembly record is edited, an Audit Trail event is now created which can be viewed on the Audit Trail tab within the Assembly Enquiry function.

You are able to edit a sub-assembly whilst working on a higher-level assembly. For example, if you modify component EGPLACC2, within the context of the assembly EGPLPTK01, the Audit Trail will record an event "Amended component EGPLACC2 whilst maintaining EGPLPTK01." This feature makes it easy to track how and when changes were made.

Warehouse Management

Confirm Shipping Labels and Delivery Documentation

Available to Software Assurance customers with axis diplomat 2024 or above and the Delivery Service Provider Interfaces Foundation module

Release Date: 24/01/2025

An enhancement to Delivery Service Provider (DSP) interfaces adds the option of including a prompt for users to re-scan delivery labels during the consignment process to verify that the correct labels have been used. This helps to reduce the risk of picking up incorrect labels, particularly when using shared printers.

A prompt requests that the user scans the barcode from the Delivery/Picking Note:

This then displays the expected number of labels, prompting the user to scan the shipping label barcodes:

Verification against the shipping details occurs in real-time, providing auditory feedback for mismatched or confirmed labels. This process is specifically designed for multi-package consignments involving shipping containers.

The setting, Enforce scan of package/pallet label, can be set for specific Delivery Methods using the function Maintain Delivery Methods.

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