eCommerce Solutions for Office Products Dealers

In addition to providing class-leading Back Office solutions for Office Products Dealers, axisfirst also offers an eCommerce solution, axis vMerchant, which is ideal for use in the Office Products arena, both for Trade (B2B) and Retail (B2C) applications.

The axis vMerchant solution can be used alongside axis diplomat for OP to provide a level of seemless integration that would be virtually impossible with products from different vendors. For example, trade account customers that are granted secure access to your website will see their pricing, taking into account any special pricing that has been set up within axis diplomat - whether contract pricing, special terms, discounts, etc.

Rich Content

A modern Office Products website needs to provide as much data as possible on the products, including detailed descriptions, specifications, multiple images and, where appropriate, PDFs and video.

axis vMerchant can work with a number of sources of rich content including Vow's ePremium, Open Range (for Spicers products) and Stock in the Channel (for IT products).

See It in Action

To see some of the functionality of an axis vMerchant website for Office Products dealers, take a look at our Demonstration website.

For further information, please visit the axis vMerchant section of this website.

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