Frequently Asked Questions

How frequently do you release new versions of axis diplomat and axis payroll?

New versions of axis diplomat and axis payroll are released concurrently, every two years.

How long do you support older versions of axis diplomat and axis payroll?

The full timetable of release dates, along with when mainstream and extended support phases end for each version, are documented on our Lifecycle Policy pages:

What versions of operating systems and other 3rd party software are required to run axis diplomat or axis payroll?

Both axis diplomat and axis payroll share the same requirements for operating systems, database servers and minimum screen resolutions and these are documented on our Supported Environments page:

How are axis diplomat and axis payroll licensed?

Full details of how our software is licensed are covered by a separate Frequently Asked Questions page:

Can I see a detailed specification of the capabilities of axis diplomat 2024?

Yes! Our Specifications page contains a detailed breakdown of the facilities and capacities provided by the core system. For a more detailed description of the additional modules available for axis diplomat, please refer to the Modules section of website.


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