Upgrading to axis payroll 2016

View axis payroll 2016 New Features Overview (PDF, 3MB, 26 pages)

axis payroll 2016 builds on the features of axis payroll 2014 to bring even greater functionality, leading to greater efficiencies and faster return on investment (ROI).

If you are also a user of axis diplomat then you should also refer to the separate section describing Upgrading to axis diplomat 2016.


If you have currently have a Software Assurance agreement, then you are entitled to an upgrade of your software licence to axis payroll 2016 under the terms of your agreement.

To request an update to axis payroll 2016, you must complete the form on this website. This form also allows training to be ordered at the same time.

The key highlights are:

upgrade to axis diplomat 2014

...plus many of the kernel enhancements featured in axis diplomat 2016, such as Document Scanning.

Upgrades from releases prior to axis payroll 2014

If you are currently running axis payroll 2012 then you may also wish to review the benefits that intervening releases offered over and above your current software since you will, of course, benefit from these enhancements as well when upgrading to axis payroll 2016.

If you are currently running ...

then please also refer to...

axis payroll 2012

(the new features introduced with axis payroll 2014 were included with the upgrade information for axis diplomat 2014)

Software Assurance

If you currently have a Software Assurance agreement, then you are entitled to an upgrade of your software licence to axis payroll 2016 under the terms of your agreement. To request an update to axis payroll 2016, you must complete the form on this website. This form also allows training to be ordered at the same time.

If you also have an axis diplomat system then you only need to complete one form to request your upgrade to both axis payroll and axis diplomat.

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