axis diplomat 2024 Modules

6. eMail Archive Interface

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The e-Mail Archive Interface module extends axis diplomat’s already powerful customer relationship management facilities by providing easy access to your organisation’s email archives directly from within customer and supplier enquiry functions.

Just a few clicks gives access to a list of emails, both to and from that customer or supplier from the day your organisation deployed its email archive solution up until today, whether “deleted” or not! By configuring security settings within the email archive you can also allow users to see emails sent or received by colleagues.


6.1 Puts You in Control

The e-Mail Archive Interface puts you back in control of email allowing you to view all email correspondence for a specific customer or supplier within seconds (regardless of whether that correspondence is just hours, or years old). Give your sales or customer services teams the power to deal with queries efficiently in a colleagues’ absence by being able to see email correspondence regardless of who sent what to whom!

The axis diplomat eMail Archive Interface can help provide the type of comprehensive access to customer correspondence that, in the past, a traditional paper-based file would have given (but without the paper).


6.2 Key Features

  • Lists all email sent to or received from a customer or supplier simply by clicking the “Email” tab in the axis diplomat customer (or supplier) enquiry.
  • User’s can “drill down” to open a selected email, see its conversational thread and view attachments.
  • Allows information to be shared easily. You control what emails individual users (or groups of users) can see by configuring security on the email archive
  • Includes access to emails which have been “deleted” from a user’s inbox or which may have been incorrectly identified as Junk
  • Saves user’s time as an individual no longer has to worry about keeping and organising copies of emails for themselves.

6.3 How it works

The axis diplomat eMail Archive interface interrogates a database containing an archive copy of every email sent or received through your organisation’s email server(s).

The archive database is provided by a product known as GFI Archiver (sold separately).

Because the archive is separate to your normal email database it isn’t affected by users deleting copies of emails or user accounts being deleted from the system.

The database is highly optimized for the purpose. Emails are compressed to reduce storage requirements whilst database searching is quick and efficient.


6.4 About GFi

GFI is a leading software developer that provides award-winning security and messaging products with a strong focus on small-to-medium sized businesses. Founded in 1992, GFI has offices in Malta, London, Raleigh, Hong Kong, Adelaide, Hamburg and Cyprus which support more than 200,000 installations worldwide.

For further information view the GFI web site at


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