axis diplomat 2024 Modules

27. Test Scheduling and Recording

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Manage hire items that need regular testing and/or certification with this addition to axis diplomat's Hire Management module.


27.1 The Test Scheduling and History Recording Module

This module covers the recording of schedules as well as maintaining an on-going history of the previous test results for each capital item. Using this module to automate the majority of the administrative overhead of recording and scheduling tests will inevitably lead to a reduction in the amount of paperwork involved in this area, with the resulting benefits of increased productivity and efficiency.

With this module added to your hire system, dates may be setup for scheduling of tests required for official test certification of capital hire items. Reports are provided to show which items are becoming due for testing and/or certification.


27.2 Recording

Entry and maintenance of test information is performed in simple logical stages:

Firstly, individual test details are set-up. An example of an individual test could be “Check fuse rating in the plug of an electrical device”. Each individual test item is given a reference eg. 'FUSE1'.

The entry of notepad information can be forced for certain items to record test result data. A typical example would be where an electrical test involves measuring the current output, which needs to be within a given tolerance. The test history then shows, not only if the output was within tolerance, but also its exact value. Other examples would include results of emission testing and stress testing.

Secondly, the individual tests are linked together to form a test-list. The test list is also assigned a reference, eg. 'ELECTRIC1', and various tests added to the list. The test-list will also allow the entry of a standard test frequency (in months), from which the system will automatically calculate the date when the next test is due, during recording of a sequence of tests.

Thirdly, each hire item may be allocated up to 20 test-lists. It is also possible to enter text containing safety instructions and up to three safety texts may be assigned to each test-list. These may then be printed as part of the test certificate.


27.3 Reporting

Reports are provided to see precisely what tests have been setup, and allocated to which hire items. It is also possible to print blank test record sheets, to allow an engineer to follow through a test sequence, and record all results on paper.

The results of a test run may be entered in “real-time”, as each test is performed, or whenever convenient. The results can then be printed, in the form of a test certificate, immediately or at any future time.


27.4 Management

The system will retain the results of tests for as long as you wish, allowing the results of a series of tests (test histories) performed on any hire item, over a number of years, to be examined and compared, for example to indicate any degradation of performance etc.

Should you decide that you do not need to keep all previous test results, it is possible to set a particular number of test histories to be retained, for any given test-list.

The supervisor has access to functions which can purge test histories (retaining a specified number), delete hire item tests, allowing the removal of a test run entered in error, removal of all test runs for a given hire item/test-list and complete removal of all test histories and test definitions for a hire item (if the hire item is sold or scrapped for example). To make the system even easier and quicker to use, default results for tests may be setup, with options to force the operator to verify results where appropriate. Comments may also be entered optionally or the operator may be forced to enter them.


27.5 Typical Applications

  • Electrical Safety Testing
  • Load tolerance on lifting equipment
  • Road worthiness and MOT testing on road going equipment
  • Routine maintenance

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