April 2014 Update for Software Assurance

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In the four months since the previous update, another batch of enhancements have been pre-released to Software Assurance Customers ahead of the full next release, due later this year. These new enhancements cover the following areas:

Sales Ledger

Credit Rating

Customer accounts can now hold credit rating information. Three new fields, indicating the Long Term credit rating, Short Term credit rating and the date that this information was last updated, can be found on the Account Details tab.

The recording and display of this information is controlled by a Sales Ledger parameter "Additional credit rating information active". This is found on the "Customer Maintenance" tab of Maintain Sales Ledger Parameters.

Copy to Quotation Context Menu Options

Lists of both Sales Orders and Quotations now proviide right-click (context menu) options to copy either an existing Sales Order or a Quotation to a new Quotation. This applies to both enquiry functions (such as the Sales Order tab within Customer Enquiry) and to monitor functions, such as the Sales Desk Monitor.

Copy to Service Contract Request Context Menu Options

Similarly, those with the Service Contract Management module can now also copy existing Service Contracts or Service Contract Requests to a new Request, either from the Customer Enquiry or from a Contracts or Contract Requests tab within a monitor.

Restrict Sales to Price List

A new option has been added to Customer Accounts (accessed via the Document Options tab) to restrict sales to just those stock items for which Customer Price List entries exist. An example of a scenario where this would be useful would be if you supply a large corporate or multi-branch customer where the branches are only allowed to buy a pre-agreed list of items and the head office will refuse to authorise invoices for other items.

Document Designer

An additional field has been made available to Document Designer templates for the number of credit days that applies to a particular transaction. This allows, for example, a line to be added to invoices reading "This invoice must be paid within nn days of the invoice date".

Send Emailshot and Send Emailshot by Campaign

These functions have been modified to allow a maximum number of retries to be configured for each email being sent.

Purchase Ledger

Purchase Invoice Attachments

It is now possible to add Purchase Invoice Attachments at the time of entering the invoice (either through the Purchase Ledger or via Purchase Order Processing). By allowing this to be done as part of the initial document entry process, rather than needing to go back into the invoice once filed, this both speeds up the process and helps reduce errors.

Call Monitor by Supplier

It is now possible to create a monitor tab listing calls filtered to just this linked to certain suppliers.

Clear Purchase Requirements

This function has been re-worked to allow it to run whilst others are using the system; previously, it was a single-user function.

Stock Ledger

Copy Stock and Assembly

For customers with the Bill of Materials module, using the Maintain Stock Details function to copy a stock record will now also, optionally, allow the assembly structure to be copied as well.

Import Stock Details from CSV

The Stock import function has been extended in two ways:

Customers with the Stock Traceability module can now import traceability details for new stock items or update the traceability details of existing stock items provided that they have no existing transactions. This includes the ability to specify the traceability mode (serial numbered or batch numbered), whether Best Before Dates apply and, if they do, the Shelf Life (number of days from date of manufacture to Best Before date).

Customers using the Department/Cost Centre by Line facility can also now import the default department and cost centre against each stock item, as well as the flag to indicate whether the department and/or cost centre should be forced to override the overall department/cost centre on an order.

Weight Information in Stock Control Monitor

The Stock Control Monitor has been extended to show weight information - for those customers with the "Net Unit Weight on Stock" module, the Stock list now shows the Gross and Net Unit Weight whilst drilling down into the Movement History now shows, for each transaction, the original and outstanding gross weight and the original and outstanding net weight.

For customers without the "Net Unit Weight on Stock" module, the Stock list shows the Unit Weight whilst the Movement History list shows total original and outstanding weight for each transaction.

Office Products

Page Yield

Stock records on Office Products systems now have a custom field specifically to hold Page Yield. Specifically designed with printer consumables in mind, the information can also be published to your axis vMerchant website.


Employee Maintenance

The Employee Maintenance function has been extended to allow it to be resized to take full advantage of higher resolution screens. The qualifications list has been extended to show additional information on each qualification (avoiding the need to 'drill down' into the individual qualification) and to highlight expired qualifications in red.

If you do not currently have Software Assurance and would like to discuss it further, please speak to your Account Manager or complete a Software Assurance Enquiry Form.

Please click here to view details on the previous December 2013 Update for Software Assurance

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