March 2009 Update for Software Assurance

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The next pre-release of features from future axis diplomat developments is scheduled for release during March 2009 and features updates to the axis diplomat Payroll.


Employee Events

A new tab within Employee details allows you to record events of various types against each employee. Events may include appraisals, training records, name changes and other general events. Events may also have a next action date associated with them.


A new Events Monitor allows payroll staff to be reminded on actions due against employee events, allowing the mechanism to be used for reminders of when staff are next due, for example, for review, working time directive assessment or refresher training.




Those familiar with the axis diplomat Accounts software will be aware of the Attachments tab present on various records, such as Customers, Suppliers and Stock.


Attachments on Employee records work in the same way - you can drag and drop external files onto the Employee record for future reference.


This is an ideal way of keeping track of scanned documents (perhaps copies of driving licenses or passports), letters to and from employees, and other correspondence relating to that member of staff.



Driving Licence Details

A new tab has been added to the Employee record allowing full details of each employees driving licence to be recorded. A supervisor function also allows you to define a list of driving licence types (PSV, HGV, etc.) so that you can see at a glance which type of licence is held by an employee.



Education / Qualifications

A further tab on the Employee record allows to record all of the relevant qualifications held by each employee.


A list of all of the commonly held educational qualifications (GCSE, A Level, B.Sc, etc.) is created as standard, but further qualifications, such as professional qualifications specific to your industry, can be added via a Supervisor function.


If you do not currently have Software Assurance and would like to discuss it further, please speak to your Account Manager or complete a Software Assurance Enquiry Form.

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