Changes to Opayo URLs

We are aware that Opayo are in the process of notifying customers that the URLs used to access their services will be changing from 31st March 2024.

This is as a result of Opayo becoming a product under the Elavon brand after the move from SagePay.

This change will require updates to both axis diplomat and axis vMerchant but please rest assured that this work is already underway and will be completed well in advance of the 31st March deadline.

As we get closer to the March deadline, we will be checking If customers need to update their axis diplomat software and contacting them accordingly so we would like to reassure our clients that everything is in hand for the change.

Opayo's communications also mention that their protocol versions 2.22 and 2.23 are being discontinued from the end of January 2024. This is also not a concern for our users as our products utilise later protocol versions.

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