Amazon's Changing Delivery Promise

As anyone shopping on Amazon in recent days will probably have noticed, their Prime delivery lead time for all non-essential goods is now 4 weeks.

This is allowing them to prioritise groceries and items deemed essential for business, which is a logical thing for them to be doing in the current position, but what are the knock-on effects for axis diplomat or axis vMerchant users?

Many of those who sell through both their own website and the Amazon marketplace are seeing an increase of traffic through their own site as people who would previously have ordered through Amazon look for quicker delivery.

From those whose businesses have until now been purely wholesale, often supplying customers whose own businesses were built solely around the Amazon marketplace, we are now seeing a demand to open up their websites to retail sales.

If you have a B2B trade only website and you are thinking of expanding into retail sales, we have prepared an information page on things to consider.


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