The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is an updated version of the Data Protection Act of 1984 for the 21st century designed to protect the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of personal data. It comes into effect on the 25th May 2018.

In essence, EU citizens will have a greater say over how their data is used and applies to any organisation that uses EU resident's personal data, even those organisations based outside of the EU.

GDPR and Your Business

This website contains a range of information pages and bulletins relating to GDPR:

axisfirst and GDPR

We are working hard to cover our own GDPR obligations in a number of areas:

  • To ensure our own compliance
  • To ensure that our partners and suppliers operate within the requirements of GDPR
  • To ensure that our products and services are able to support our customer's obligations under GDPR

In the run up to 25th May, you can expect a number of announcements regarding developments to our software and services. Some will be directly related to GDPR whilst others will be general changes aimed at enhancing data security for our clients.

These developments will cover our Business Software, axis diplomat and axis payroll, our eCommerce platform, axis vMerchant, the range of security products and services that we offer as well as changes to the way in which axisfirst interacts with its clients.

Keep Up To Date

To ensure that you are updated on the latest developments, please

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