axis diplomat 2024 Modules

23. Service Contract Management

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Control the billing and tracking of contracts in a simple and effective way.


23.1 Service Contract Maintenance Module

Details of service contracts are entered onto the system, including details of payment frequency and contract duration. The system then automatically governs the production of the correct number of invoices at the correct intervals. In this way, the system can cope with annual, monthly or weekly contracts as well as other less common payment frequencies.

Each contract can be set up to show as much, or as little, details as is required. For a contract involving maintenance of on-site equipment, for example, it may be desirable to show each individual item covered by the contract.

The module allows Requests for Service Contracts to be entered, to act as a quotation for a service contract. These may then be converted at a later stage once the contract has been accepted.

Service Contract Enquiries show the current status of a contract - for example, the number of invoices raised and outstanding and whether they have been paid. In this way, it is possible for a despatch desk or supervisor to determine the state of a contract before any action is taken.


23.2 Integration


The module can also be used in conjunction with the Sales Order Processing and the Workshop Job Management modules.

The Sales Ledger Customer Account Enquiry provides a quick and easy way of checking the contract status of a given customer. The basic details for the selected customers contract(s) are listed, from which it is possible to drill down to more detailed enquiries. For each contract, the Service Contract Enquiry will show the payment frequency (for example annual or monthly), whether the contract is paid up to date and will list the items covered by the contract.

The Service Contract Management module is ideally suited to use in conjunction with the Call Logging facility within the Sales Ledger, when calls can be generated and allocated to contacts. The Call Logging system also allows Call numbers to be allocated to each call and a status of Completed or Outstanding assigned to each call. The system also monitors the length of time that each individual call has been outstanding. This in turn provides a simple method for monitoring the efficiency of your operation.

The combination of the Service Contract Management module with the Call Logging module of the Contact Management System provides a powerful tool for tracking and managing Service Contracts.



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