axis diplomat 2024 Modules

20. Pricing & Discounting

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axis diplomat offers a wide variety of different discounting and pricing options, which between them cover just about every requirement. Many are standard, whilst others are additional modules, which may be used alone or in combination.


20.1 Quantity Break Discounting

The Quantity Break Discounting option allows users to assign a table of quantity breaks and discounts to any stock item, in order that a discount may be given dependent on the quantity sold.

Products may be grouped into discount groups. Each discount group can contain up to five quantity break discount tables (Categories A to E). Each table can contain up to six break quantities and their associated discount rates. The discounts can range from 00.00% to 99.99% and may be negative (i.e. surcharges).


20.2 Quantity Break Pricing

The Quantity Break Pricing option allows you to assign a table of prices to any product, depending on quantity supplied on a single sales document line. A table of quantities is created and a specific Trade Price allotted to up to 5 Quantity Ranges. When an invoice or sales order is entered for a trade customer, the price is extracted from the table in relation to the quantity entered. The price is displayed and may be subsequently amended.

Customer Discounts may still be applied where appropriate on top of the special prices.


20.3 Price and Discount Matrices

For the sake of brevity the Customer /Product Price and Discount Matrices are often described as simply the “Price Matrix” and “Discount Matrix” respectively.

A matrix offers a very powerful pricing or discounting facility and has been designed to be open ended in order that either a small number of stock items may be indexed to a large number of customers or a large number of stock items to a small number of customer groups.

The Matrix may be specified as either a Price or Discount Matrix, or alternatively, both can be set on the same system, giving a Price and a Discount Matrix.

In the case of a Price Matrix, the selection of a product included within the matrix will cross-reference the customer account, and an appropriate unit price will be selected and displayed. This price may be subsequently amended. Any applicable customer and product discounts will be applied.

Similarly with the Discount Matrix, the applicable unit price will be retrieved, but the Discount will be selected from the Matrix.


20.4 Order Value Break Discounts

This option allows a series of Order Value Break Discount tables to be maintained.

Up to one thousand different customer groups can be set, each with up to 10 order value break discount levels. This provides scope for giving individual customers individual order value break discounts if required.

There are 10 Order Value Breaks and 10 Discounts available for each group code.

On entering an order for a specific customer, the Group Code and the Discount applicable to the Total Value of the Order will be displayed. Both the Group Code and Discount Amount given may be overridden by the operator if required.


20.5 Standard Facilities

The options described above are all available to add to an axis diplomat system. The system does, however, also include many facilities as standard which betweem them can handle most pricing and discounting scenarios.

Trade and Retail P​ricing

Each item on the Stock Ledger is defined with two standard prices - a trade price and a retail price, along with a default indicator which specifies which of the two should be used unless otherwise specified. Account customers can be set up to always use the Trade Price, always use the Retail Price or use the default as specified on the particular stock or product item.

Product and Customer Disco​unts

Standard discounts to be used for trade accounts can be specified on the Stock Ledger (if your discounts vary according to the type of product) or on the Sales Ledger (if your discounts vary according to the type of customer). If for example, you have two types of trade account customer - "Reseller" and "Distributor", who receive 25% and 40% discount respectively, then you would simply specify those discounts against the appropriate customer accounts on the Sales Ledger.

Customer Stock Pri​cing

For applications where the pricing is completely individualised to each customer, the Customer Stock Pricing facility is the simplest to set up.

For various combinations of individual customers and individual stock items, a specific price may be entered into the price list.

When entering an order or invoice for a customer, if a Customer Stock Price List entry exists for a particular item ordered by that customer, that price is used. If no entry exists, then the standard price and/or discount from the stock ledger/sales ledger is used.

This facility also allows you to record your customers reference for a particular item, which is then shown on sales documents. This caters for the situation where your customer refers to an item with a different code to the one that you use. When entering a sales order for a particular customer, you may retrieve items from the stock ledger using either their codes or your own. This simplifies order entry when purchase orders are received from your customer quoting their own part numbers.

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