4. Installing the Update

4.1 Where Do I Install The Update?

The update must be installed on your axis payroll software server. This will usually be your network server, but a number of axis payroll users run their payrolls on a stand-alone PC.


4.2 Downloading the axis payroll software update

If you have the axis diplomat accounts package installed on the same server as your payroll, you can schedule a full axis diplomat software update from within axis diplomat for automatic overnight installation. Instructions on scheduling a software update can be found at Scheduling an axis diplomat software update

Alternatively, customers will manually download the update from our website as in previous years.

To manually download the update:

  • Ensure you are logged on to your payroll server as an administrator.
  • Ensure you are logged into your account at www.axisfirst.co.uk
  • Your software update can be downloaded from https://www.axisfirst.co.uk/payroll-march-2024 then selecting the appropriate download.  Ensure that you read the terms and conditions fully before proceeding; an option is provided to print these if required.  This area provides full instructions on installing software updates.



4.3 Installing the Update

If manually downloading the software update you will need to follow the Installation Procedure detailed below.

Scheduled software updates will complete full installation processes automatically.

Please note that you need only install this update once for all axis payrolls providing that all payrolls reside on the same machine. Where payrolls are 'switched' between 'home' and 'office', then each such machine requires the update.


4.3.1 Copy Data to Full Backup

Ensure that a full backup of the system is taken. Use the 'Copy Data to Full Backup' function to create an archive backup of the payroll data on to removable media. We also strongly recommend that a full backup of the axis programs and data is made.


4.3.2 Installing the Update

You should run the installation procedure from the axis payroll server.

  • You should be logged onto the axis payroll server.  Elevation will be required.
  • Ensure that all axis users are out of the system. You can do this by clicking on the System Console/User Status Enquiry button, found on the axis payroll Scheduler toolbar. Then come out of the system yourself
  • If installing a downloaded version of the software, the file needs to be on the axis server and so may need to be copied to the server either directly over the network or via a form of removable media if it has been downloaded on another workstation. The executable can then be run to install the update files. 
  • If installing from removable media, insert the update device into the server. The device should auto-run. If it does not, please call for assistance
  • Click on Install/Upgrade axis diplomat (2018, 2020 or 2022) System.
  • Click Upgrade Existing System.
  • If you are continuing to use axis payroll 2018 or 2020, an information screen will appear:
    Confirm that you wish to continue
  • Confirm that you accept the terms of the license agreement:
  • Select the drive that contains your axis payroll system. This will normally be the default drive presented:
  • The installation procedure will now check that there are still no users in the system, check for sufficient disk space and then ask you to confirm that you wish to update the axis diplomat software.
  • The installation procedure will continue and update the axis payroll software.
  • Once the installation has completed, you will receive a ‘Setup Completed Successfully’ message, click ‘OK’ and then ‘Cancel’ out of the menus.
  • Finally, whilst you are still logged on to the axis server, you should enter each of your axis payroll systems in turn and perform any updates requested.
  • This completes the installation procedure. Once the installation has completed, you will receive a ‘Setup Completed Successfully’ message, click ‘OK’ and then ‘Cancel’ out of the menus.