axis diplomat 2024 eBusiness Modules

5. Blue Alligator SalesPresenter Interface

Use your existing axis diplomat data to populate the market-leading solution for sales reps and agents and automate the importing of sales orders.


Blue Alligator's SalesPresenter is an iOS app designed for iPads and iPhones that allows sales reps and agents to show products and take orders offline. It is frequently used not only in face-to-face meetings with clients but also at exhibitions and trade shows where its offline capability means that there is no need for an expensive or inadequate Internet connection.

The axis diplomat SalesPresenter interface provides:

  • Product Data upload, including
    • customer-specific pricing
    • images
    • availability data
  • Customer Data upload, including
    • back orders
    • order history
    • last price paid
  • Sales Order download



5.1 How It Works

Behind the scenes, an automated process exports data from axis diplomat to SalesPresenter. This data is uploaded to Blue Alligator's Cloud Service and then distributed to the individual iPads or iPhones.

This ensures that not only do your agents have the latest customer and product data but, since it is automated, you do not need to be involved in the process.

Orders placed via the SalesPresenter app are then passed back in a similar manner for importing into axis diplomat.

Orders may be imported manually using the same "Import eBusiness Orders" function used by other eCommerce integrations (such as axis vMerchant). Alternatively, orders may be imported automatically, directly into the system with no user interaction. In these scenario, it is quite possible to configure your system so that the first user interaction with an order is when the goods need picking.


5.1.1 eBusiness Catalogue

The categorisation of products within SalesPresenter is handled via an eBusiness Catalogue in axis diplomat.

Anyone who has managed an axis vMerchant website will be familiar with the concept of eBusiness Catalogues - indeed, if you also have an axis vMerchant website, you can share the same eBusiness Catalogue between your website and SalesPresenter.

An eBusiness Catalogue is a hierarchical structure that allows you to put your products into categories and multiple levels of sub-category. You are also able to define cross-selling links between products and these are also exported to SalesPresenter to provide up-sell opportunities.