To consign a delivery you’ll need to pass information to Interlink:
Delivery address: (Including the postal town, post code and country code for international consignments): axis diplomat already has all of these details held against your delivery, having obtained them either from the customer account or during order entry.
Delivery Service: axis diplomat allows your choice of delivery service to be selected during order entry, or at any later time prior to consignment. Any request for special delivery arrangements (e.g. Saturday, pre 09:30 etc. can be recorded). The interface takes the delivery method and translates this into the required service.
Number of packages or pallets: axis diplomat records the number of packages or pallets in each consignment and passes this information through the interface.
Weight & volume: Default values for these are calculated by axis diplomat based on the weight & volume information held against the stock records for items on the delivery. These values can be accepted or overridden prior to being passed through to the Interlink ship@ease interface.
Contact name and number: axis diplomat uses the customer contact set against the sales order, together with phone number information to automatically provide this information to the interface.
To provide flexibility, the despatch operator can override most information during the consignment process if required.