2. Closing your payroll scheme

2.1 Introduction

Should your business stop employing people, your are required to notify HMRC immediately via RTI.

The instructions below provide the steps required in axis payroll to meet the requirements detailed by HMRC at https://www.gov.uk/stop-employing-staff


2.2 Ceasing your axis payroll scheme

The following steps are required to cease a payroll scheme in axis payroll:

  • Process you final payroll run in axis payroll, flagging all employees as left and producing P45s for each employee (see section 2.3 of the Operating axis Payroll User Guide which details how to process leavers)
  • Complete the Payroll Period End as normal.
  • Go to Amend Payroll Control Record and tick the Final Period End Performed option.
  • Create an RTI Employer Payment Summary. This will show indicate that the scheme has been ceased with a ceased date field. Amend the scheme ceased date if required. Ensure all year to date figures are the correct combined figures for all payroll frequencies.
  • Submit the RTI Employer Payment Summary.

Your axis payroll scheme is now ceased and no further payroll runs may be processed.  

Please note: you are not required to carry out a payroll year end on a ceased payroll scheme.