13. Landed and Supplemental Costs

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Ensure that your stock valuation reflects the true cost, including supplemental elements such as freight, insurance and duty.


13.1 Overview

The axis diplomat Landed and Supplemental Costs module adds a wide range of functionality to handle these additional costs by providing:

  • The ability to flag product items as a supplemental cost, recording the cost type and the apportionment method to be used when apportioning the cost. Apportionment methods include ‘By value’, ‘By weight’, ‘By volume’ and ‘By quantity’.
  • The ability to add supplemental costs to purchase orders and individual purchase order lines.
  • The ability to add supplemental costs in Purchase Delivery Advice Maintenance for a delivery and individual lines.
  • The ability to amend the cost of open stock receipt transactions to add supplemental costs retrospectively.
  • Reporting stock valuations at ‘original’ unit cost and ‘Landed’ cost.
  • Visibility in Purchase Order Maintenance, Purchase Delivery Maintenance and stock transaction enquiries of the original purchase cost and the ‘Landed’ cost with drill down into the detail of individual supplemental costs.
  • Linking of purchase orders and purchase invoices/credit notes to assist with identifying the sources of supplemental costs.
  • Extensions to Purchase Delivery Advice Maintenance to allow the recording of extended inbound delivery information to assist in reconciling customs documentation against the purchase delivery advice.

Analysis of supplemental costs is aided by creating a number of custom Supplemental Cost Types, which can be specific to your particular business needs.




Maintain Supplemental Cost Types

               Using Stock Record Maintenance to create Supplement Cost item               


Adding Supplemental Costs to a Purchase Order


Landed and Supplemental Costs is available as a no-cost option for axis diplomat 2022 and above i.e. it incurs no licence or support fees. You should allow for a minimum of one day implementation and training time, available on-site or remotely, at standard rates.