axis diplomat 2024 Modules

14. Multi-Location Stock

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Allows stock to be held at a number of distinct locations - either separate physical locations (such as branches or warehouses) or logically separated stock (such as quarantine stock or stock awaiting repair).


14.1 The Multi Location Stock Module

Stock is issued from, received at, and transferred between locations, so that accurate stock-on-hand figures at each location are maintained.

The module can be used where you have stock in separate physical locations, such as separate warehouses or branches, or even spare stock held in engineers' cars. Alternatively, the module can be used to separate stock held for different purposes, for example, available for sale, on sale or return or requiring repair.


14.2 Locations

Up to 250 different locations may be defined. Each location has a code number, from 0 to 249, and is given an alpha-numeric description. A location must be set up using a Supervisor Function before it can be used for the first time, ensuring that you have control over the locations that are used. Location code 0 is used as the default location, and, by default, has the description of MAIN DEPOT, although this may be changed if required.


14.3 Stock Transactions

All stock transactions, including sales and purchase orders, are allocated to a location by the operator. Stock may only be issued from a location if there is enough stock-on-hand at that location. Similarly, stock may only be received or delivered against an order at the location that the order was allocated to. An additional function, “Stock Movement Between Locations”, allows stock to be transferred from one location to another.


14.4 Stock Reports

Stock Valuation, Stock Under Minimum Report, Stock Over Maximum Report and Stock Transaction List may all be printed for a specified location.

Stock Enquiry and Stock Price Enquiry may also be made for a specified location.

In addition, on all enquiries and reports where individual stock transactions are listed, the location applicable to each transaction is shown.


14.5 Stock Location Details

Additional information about stock at each location is also maintained. The additional information held for each stock item is as follows:

  • Stock on hand
  • Stock on order from suppliers
  • Stock on order by customers
  • Overdue sales orders
  • Stock issues (this period, last period, this year, last year)
  • Re-order level (minimum stock)
  • Re-order quantity
  • Maximum stock quantity
  • Bin location

This means that different stocking levels can be set at each location, and that each location can use its own bin referencing system. A history of stock issues from each location is maintained, and an additional report, “Stock Issues Report by Location”, is provided.

Maintenance of stock on hand and on order figures at each location means that system performance is improved, particularly for stock records with large numbers of transactions attached. These functions include stock enquiries, invoice entry and sales order release.

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